My new app: Network Scanner

Hi guys,

I have just launched my new app and I’m excited to introduce you to the new features.




This Network Scanner is completely ad free and you can download it for free from Google Play. The original (and easier) version can be found in my WiFi analyzer app, but later I realized that this function deserves an own app due to the complexity.

After rethinking the function, I’ve added a lot of extra functions:

Lots of useful filters where you can select which kind of device you want to see. You can filter based on device type, date range, you can order the results by IP address,  access time, name and others.

In the History, you can reload the result of any previous scan, and you smartmockups_jotsokmycan do the same filtering or ordering.smartmockups_jotspo9e

From now, you can export the full database (that contains the result of all scans in the history), for further processing (for example for processing it in a Excel sheet)

and of course I have kept the original functions, like you can customize the devices (type, name..), you can scan custom network range and others.

Because this is a new app, please forgive me if I made any mistake, if you find a bug or any problem, just report it to me, and I will fix it as soon as possible (I run several tests, but you can never be sure when something unexpected will happen)

Basically you can use almost all features for free and without ads, but you can support me (and the development) by buying the paid version (Extreme Edition).

The Extreme Edition removes all limitations from the app.

A few more screenshots:
